CLOISTER OF VONSELMA EDUCATION University Institute of Leadership and High Government

Fernando Herrero-Nieto
Director of the Vonselma Group Master-Teacher in its three lines of business: Vonselma International (Political Advice and Campaigns), Vonselma Enterprise (Internationalization of Companies) and VONSELMA EDUCATION, University Institute of Leadership and High Government, President of ASESMAP, Spanish Association of Political and Electoral Marketing. Expert in Political Lobby, having carried out numerous postgraduate studies in Spain and the United States. He is a recognized analyst and political consultant, being collaborator of different television channels in Spain, the United States and Latin America, as well as articulista in different media in written press. He was the first Spanish to participate in a Campaign to the Presidency of the United States (Obama Election Campaign, State of Nevada, 2008). Director in different social and development projects in Spain, Latin America, Africa, and countries of the U.E. Creator in 1999 of the Virtual Lobby concept, which later years would derive in what we know now as social networks.

Eduis Barreto Centeno
Degree in human resources. Specialized in management and administration of management skills. Extensive experience in the organization of academic programs and management of university resources and research. Political analyst of the Spanish Political Marketing Association (ASESMAP). Principal product coordinator for Vonselma Education, University Institute of Leadership and High Government.
Beatriz González-Onandía
(Professor) Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Executive Master in Financial Risk Management by the Stock Exchange and Spanish Markets, Master in Marketing and Strategic Communication from the Rey Juan Carlos University, Master in International Relations and Cooperation by the Rey Juan Carlos University. Associate professor of several prestigious universities and business schools (Institute of Public Law of the Rey Juan Carlos University (IDP), among others).

Jesús García Sanz
(Professor) Degree in Political Science and Sociology. Doctor of Economics and Business. He has been Professor of Communication Theory at the Complutense University of Madrid, Professor of Planning and Marketing Management at ICADE, Dean of the Faculty of Juridical and Economic Sciences of the Camilo José Cela University and Professor at the Óscar Ribas University of Angola . He is a consultant specialized in the fields of communication and marketing.

María Isabel Nieto
(Professor), PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the UCM, Master in Institutional and Political Communication from the Carlos III University, the Unidad Editorial Group and the law firm Cremades & Calvo Sotelo. He has extensive experience in Public Administration as a Technical Officer in European Affairs, as well as having the opportunity to lead the Technical Secretariat for External Action of the Junta de Extremadura (Spain). She is Professor of International Relations at UCM and UC3M. Member of the research team of UNISCI (Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation), he has to his credit numerous publications of books and participations in magazines and congresses.

Manuel José Lazcano Ávila
(Professor) Consultant in marketing, strategy and communication at Euroamerica Consulting, Manager of the Spanish Political Marketing Association (ASESMAP). Degree in Financial Administration at the Monterrey TEC, MBA Executive IE Business School, Master in International Relations and Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid, Course in Direct Marketing at ESIC, State Coordinator of Youth of the PRI Mexico.

Marta Nogareda Moreno
(Professor) Degree in Political Science and Administration, and in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Master of European Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) and postgraduate in Development Cooperation (Universitat de Barcelona). She is currently an associate professor at the Carlos III University in Madrid. She works as an online tutor with San Marcos University in Guatemala. He has worked for the European Commission and the Council of the European Union. She is currently working as a university teacher with international consultancies, in particular the mission of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Algeria with women who have recently acceded to local politics.

Elba Martínez Vargas
(Professor) holds a degree in International Studies from the Central University of Venezuela, a Master’s Degree in International Relations and Communication from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Specialist in Human Rights from the University of Alcalá de Henares. Journalist, Diplomat, Political Advisor and professor in several Universities of Latin America and Spain.
Larissa Abache Rebolledo
(Professor) Degree in Psychology Social Mention of the Central University of Venezuela, MBA and Master in Human Resource Management of the EUDE Business School, with International Diploma in Public Policies in Citizen Security of the Technological University of the Center, teacher with extensive experience in consultancy and management training, research and social intervention.

Ana Belén Santos Esteban
(Professor) Degree in Political Science from the UCM, Law Degree from the UNED and Master of European Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). PhD in Political Science from the University of Alcalá. He has worked for the European Commission and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). She has worked as an international consultant and has worked in Latin America (Panama, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia) and North Africa (Morocco and Algeria). She is a Professor of Law and Political Science at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid -UCM, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid -UC3M and the IDP of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos -URJC.
Alvaro Ochoa
(Professor) Sociologist graduated from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) in Caracas, Venezuela, with an International Diploma in Local Public Policies of Coexistence and Public Safety, Participant in the International “Visitor Leadership” Program “Law Enforcement and Community Policing” of Educational and Culture Affairs of the United States Department of State. Author of several publications on coexistence and citizen security, he has worked from the Venezuelan Civil Society investigating the factors associated with the problems of Security and Citizen Coexistence and in the formulation and management of research projects / Social intervention, among which the Creation of the Organized Crime Observatory (in Venezuela) with the financial support of the European Union. In the private sector, he has participated in the collection of socio-urban information for different Environmental Impact Study projects.

Javier Galué
(Professor) Expert in political consulting, political communication and branding. He has extensive academic background in postgraduate courses and courses at IE Business School, Stanford University, Harvard Business Review, LM Universität München, The Pennsylvania State University and University of Maryland. Since 1988 he has been working as a consultant to political parties and institutions in political communication, political communication and marketing, political strategy, disruptive strategies and “new thinking”. He is the author of the book entitled “Comunicracia”.

Javier Sastre Segovia
(Professor) Degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Alcalá de Henares University, Executive MBA at the Instituto de la Empresa – IE -, General Management Program at the IESE – University of Navarra. He has held management positions in MDT Spain, EUDE (European School of Management and Business), IMS Health, SPA Group, ASEFA and PSA Group – Peugeot -Citroën. He is currently an advisor to business executives and political leaders.

Rocío González Lanzarote
(Professor) Degree in Law at the University of Salamanca (fourth course held at the Rug University of Groningen, Netherlands). Master in Commercial Management and Marketing in ESIC and Master in Foreign Trade (ADE International Excal / ICEX). C.A.P Course of Pedagogical Aptitude. International Business Consultant. Academic Director of the Master’s Degree in International Trade Management at UNIR Business School and professor of the area the company before export at Eude Business School.

María José Alaminos Gil- Ortega
Professor, consultant, training in managerial and communication skills both in business and for different business schools and universities. Graduated in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in HR from the Real María Cristina University Center, Master in coaching from the Universidad San Pablo CEU, Master and doctorate in communication from the University of Alcalá de Henares. Writer of several books on coaching.