(+34) 911 875 425 España

Vonselma Group


Vonselma is a European business group linked to the training and consulting sector, which together with the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) and its strategic allies such as the Spanish Association of Political Marketing (ASESMAP) ), work actively in the design of innovative and multidisciplinary training programs.

vonselma group

The mission of Vonselma is to transmit to society the know – how acquired through the experience of its consultants, teachers, as well as to create the ethical and professional formation of the new political and business leaders of the future.

It has its own teaching method, of assimilative type and that takes as a reference the singularity of the student and that allows to personalize the training to their particular interests and concerns, favoring the self-discovery and orienting the formation to the practical application of the theoretical contents of a entertaining and easy to internalize.

The vocation of mentors makes the difference, being the only training company specialized in effectively sponsoring the student, who is guided and accompanies at all times in their educational development. In addition, personalized professional development plans are designed and the student is provided with a first-rate networking aimed at providing the student with the skills and contacts necessary to become a true leader in their field of reference.